Adaptec I2O RAID Linux User Guide

The Adaptec Zero Channel I2O RAID controllers (2000S, 2005S, 2010S, 2015S) support Linux RAID management software. There are two different RAID management tools:

Storage Manager - for 2.4 based 32-bit Linux distributions only including Red Hat 7.3, 8.0, 9.0, RHEL3, CentOS 3.5, Fedora Core 1 and SuSE 9.0.

Raidutil - for both 2.4 based and 2.6 based Linux distributions. Under 2.4, raidutil is included in the Storage Manager package. Under 2.6, raidutil is provided on a separate package.

In 2.4, Linux uses the dpt_i2o driver to access the controller. Note the dpt_i2o driver is not supported under the 64-bit Linux. In 2.6, Linux uses the i2o_block driver to access the controller. This driver is supported in both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux.

Due to the driver change, here are some special notes:

  1. The operating system cannot be upgraded from 2.4 to 2.6 based Linux distributions. A fresh installation is required.
  2. The device name is different. Under 2.4, the 1st array is accessed as /dev/sda. Under 2.6, the 1st array is accessed as /dev/i2o/hda. The 2nd array is accessed as /dev/sdb (2.4 based) and /dev/i2o/hdb (2.6 based).
  3. There is no alert daemon or GUI management tool (Storage Manager) for 2.6 based Linux distributions.

Storage Manager Installation Guide (2.4 based only)

Since the RAID management software is not included in any Linux distributions, the tool must be installed manually if the operating system has been reinstalled. To install the software, insert the ASL Driver CD and enter the following commands:

	# mount  /mnt/cdrom
	# rpm  -ivh  /mnt/cdrom/ASL-packages/dptapps-3.32-1.i386.rpm
	# umount  /mnt/cdrom

If necessary, replace the CDROM mount point with an appropriate entry such as /media/cdrecorder or /media/dvdrecorder.

The Storage Manager software consists of the following components:

  1. Adaptec daemons to provide the communication and event logging between the RAID controller and the RAID management applications. These daemons are launched automatically at boot. The event log is stored under /var/log/dptelog.log.
  2. GUI-based Storage Manager that runs under X-Windows.
  3. Text based raidutil that runs under any console.

To launch Storage Manager, log in as the root user and start X if necessary. Next double click on the Adaptec icon labeled as Application. Using Storage Manager, administrators can view, create and delete arrays. Storage Manager can also turn off the RAID controller's audible alarm. E-mail notification on critical events can also be configured under Storage Manager. Once configured, E-mail notification will run in the background without the Storage Manager.

Raidutil Installation Guide (2.6 based only)

Since the RAID management software is not included in any Linux distributions, the tool must be installed manually if the operating system has been reinstalled.

To install the software, insert the ASL Driver CD and enter the following commands:

	# mount  /mnt/cdrom
	# rpm  -ivh  /mnt/cdrom/ASL-packages/raidutils-0.0.6-1.i386.rpm
	# umount  /mnt/cdrom

If necessary, replace the CDROM mount point with an appropriate entry such as /media/cdrecorder or /media/dvdrecorder.

Before using raidutil, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local (Red Hat) or /etc/rc.d/boot.local (SuSE). This will load the required I2O modules automatically on subsequent boot.
    	modprobe  i2o_proc
    	modprobe  i2o_config
  2. Load the I2O modules manually to avoid rebooting the server
    	# modprobe  i2o_proc
    	# modprobe  i2o_config
  3. Create the control device

    Fedora Core 2:

          # ln -s /dev/i2octl  /dev/i2o/i2o/ctl

    Fedora Core 3, 4, RHEL 4, CentOS 4.x, SuSE 9.3

    # mkdir  /etc/udev/devices/i2o
    # cp -a  /dev/i2octl  /etc/udev/devices/i2o/ctl
    # cp -a  /dev/i2octl  /dev/i2o/ctl

To run the tool, enter 'raidutil' on a terminal (console or X term). To list all the available options, run 'raidutil /?'

Sample session of Raidutil

[root@asl137 root]# raidutil -L controller
#  b0 b1 b2  Controller          Cache   FW    NVRAM     Serial                Status
d0 --  --       ADAP2010S      32MB   3B05  CHNL 1.1  BB0E3230GZT Optimal
[root@asl137 root]# raidutil -L logical
Address    Type              Manufacturer/Model                          Capacity      Status
d0b0t0d0   RAID 10 (Mirrored&ADAPTEC  RAID-10           280028MB  Optimal
[root@asl137 root]# raidutil -L physical
Address    Type              Manufacturer/Model                              Capacity      Status
d0b0t0d0   Disk Drive (DASD) SEAGATE  ST3146807LC       140014MB  Optimal
d0b0t1d0   Disk Drive (DASD) SEAGATE  ST3146807LC       140014MB  Optimal
d0b0t4d0   Disk Drive (DASD) SEAGATE  ST3146807LC       140014MB  Optimal
d0b0t6d0   SAF-TE            SUPER    GEM318                            -----             Optimal
d0b1t0d0   Disk Drive (DASD) SEAGATE  ST3146807LC       140014MB  Optimal
d0b1t1d0   Disk Drive (DASD) SEAGATE  ST3146807LC       140014MB  Optimal
d0b1t6d0   SAF-TE            SUPER    GEM318                            -----             Optimal

Installation Notes/Technical Issues:

Prior to contacting technical support, please visit the ASL online FAQ for quick answers to common hardware and software issues. The answers may be searched by keyword or browsed by category. These documents are maintained with up to date information.